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VIP Surf School Biarritz - Ecole de surf et cours particuliers de surf à Biarritz | THE VIP PRESTATIONS

The Vip prestations

Our commitments : quality of teaching and safety

As a member of the ESF, the Vip Surf School of Biarritz respects the Charter of Quality established by the association regrouping the best surf schools in France.
Our instructors are all been trained to work with people of all ages, skills and conditions. They also are certified lifeguards and National State Degree of Surfing graduates.

Choosing the best place to surf

According to your skills, the swell and the weather, the VIP Surf School of Biarritz takes you to the best beach of the day with our free of charge and exclusive VIP Car Shuttle.

A digital souvenir

After the courses, you'll be given, also free of charge, pictures of you in the heart of the action!


free shuttle from your hotel to the beach biarritz surf

contacter ecole de surf vip surf school biarritz
brochure pour reservation et inscription stage de surf avec vip surf school biarritz l'école de surf